Love me unconditionally

Grant me mercy and shower me with grace. 
Cleanse me so thoroughly that there is no trace of my sins. 
Wash me in the sea of forgetfulness. 
Drape me in white cottons and lay me on a bed of favor. 
Kneel at my bedside, lay your head upon my arm as our fingers lock and pray for me. 
Go to our Father on my behalf as our Father goes to his for you. 
Cry for me.
Cry to me.
Cry for our love, my love. 
Forgive me for all the hurt I have caused you. 
Forgive me for all the evil that I have brought upon this home and our family. 
Forgive me for ending lives that I didn't create. 
My love.
My handsome love, grant me mercy and shower me with grace. 
Love me, like our God loves you. 


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