Damn, painless cracks

Painless cracks all through out my back, let me stand up and stretch that shit out.


Throw on my favorite tune and chirp with the birds "wootie woo"

This morning I just might "throw that ass in a circle" or do a 15 minute wake up yoga with Kassandra.

Surely, I'm going to slide into the kitchen and boil some water for my tea.

If I didn't I wouldn't be me.

Damn, those painless cracks  just made it to my feet.

Let me shake, shake, shake it out to some Taylor Swift.

There goes my phone chirping away, a notification pops up "Did you do you 15 minute dance today?"

I can click yes and lie. The app will never know. But I will. 

I should just play a little Nicki and get it poppin like a quickie.

All seriousness each morning there are a 1000 reasons why we should stay in bed but there are a 1001 reasons why we shouldn't.

It only take $1 a day to feed to the starving children in... "Oh damn wrong post"

It only takes 2 feet off of the bed. 1,2 and your day is started and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible because you have the power of change within you!

You are the pilot on your 1st class flight.

So let's go, stand up and stretch those painless cracks out and show the world what you're all about!



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