Now we lay him down to sleep
Conveyed with darkness and filled with sadness we marched into the temple
Drapes were still, children cried
Mothers wiped away the tears from their eyes
Vultures circled above the skylight ceiling, drooling, eyeing prey
The man we were mourning was no real man at all
He had been stuffed with hate and raised in turmoil
His life was over the second he was born
The white we wore and the crosses we hung still couldn’t quiet his demonic presence
“The body should have been burned, the body should have been burned” An elderly wimpled lady who was kneeled at one of the pews cried
And yes the body should have been burned
Along with with the sorrows, the destruction, the evilness that was brought with birth
“How can you not rejoice the dark for it is what brought us the light” The same elderly lady now standing and raising her arms in the air sang aloud
He had the power over people
He had that control
He had the divine spirit
He was waiting for the fall
We were only a small town of few
Always a pray away
Always a sacrifice away
But when he arrived you would’ve thought Heavens Gate opened and that God himself had leaned in and spoken
It was significantly more sinister than that
It was much more tragic than that
There were a lot of souls lost
Our people suffered and no one came to help
Not only was he our savior
He was our diminish
Our demise
Our sons killed our men and our daughters laughed watching, there was no cry
The only thing missing was the rain
It should’ve been the color red for all the bloodshed, for all the bodies gone
But No
It was a sunny day
The light was shining perfectly upon his beastly body
The cracks in the stained glass windows sucked what little life we had remaining from ours
Mothers clapping and singing and swaying and crying and touching themselves and touching others “Let him rise again!”
This was no funeral for a mere mortal but a homecoming for their king
A homecoming for our King
Watching, I cry, holding my stomach, whispering to myself “He shall be born again”
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