Glissade en avant

Intense love,
Our very own inferno
Blue flames shoot from the engulfed pit 
The smell of burnt pig flesh arise in the air
The blue flames turn to black and your face appears 
    "Please, don't let me burn" you whisper out 

Your plea echos around me
The temperature skyrockets 
It's my flesh that smells of pig
I look down at my fingertips crisping 
Yet, frostbite sits upon my lips
Your plea reaches my clogged ears once more 
       "Please, don't let me burn"

Your arms swaddle me 
The flames turn blue once more 
Then orange 
Then pink
and yellow 
Finally, the most perfect evergreen green
Surrounding us,
We surrender
The fire begins to dance 
Pirouettes, Pliés, jumping onto my lips
I Adage out of your arms 
       "burn baby, burn"


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