Is this message for you?

Grand risings beautiful people,

I hope this message is received by those who it is intended for. 

Let's pray, 

You woke up today, Praise God.

You are given another day to right your wrongs. 

You are given another day to learn and to teach love.

Yesterday did not conquer you and today has yet to be traveled.

You are here! You have a purpose! You were given another day to show you're worth it!

Change your narrative and stop asking "why me". 

Someone tried to take your voice away from you yesterday, TAKE IT BACK today!

A door closed on you yesterday? It wasn't meant for you!

I pray that your sickness is taken away and that you work on your health.

You have 1 body and it should be treated as a temple but you know what you're doing and have the nerve to turn around and say "I don't know why all of this wrong with me" YES YOU DO!

Wake up, I pray that you start to take accountability for your actions. 

Hear me when I say, they bred us to believe the more money we generate (by ANY means necessary) the better of a person we shall be, the happier.

That type of teaching has made us all weak.  It took away our true power and I'm trying a help you get it back.

I know that you keep finding yourself pushed in the same corner and that's because, YOU'RE NOT LEARNING THE LESSON LIFE IS TRYIG TO TEACH YOU.

I pray that your veil is lifted and the rose colored glasses are removed so that you can see your truth.

No one can control your outcome but you, say it with me "I am driver of my life and I choose the road I take."

Say this with me "I handle difficult situations with ease and with a open mind" 

There is someone who is reading this right now and this message is for you,

All of that hard work, dedication, learning, sacrificing, praying, and giving is coming to you and your cup is going to runneth over, make room. 

Let go of what doesn't serve you any longer, make room.

Let go of the negative naysayers and their lack of thinking, make room. 

This is your time. You've been putting in the work and your call is being answered.

I pray that you are ready to pick up the phone and say hello to your destiny. 

Say it with me "I am open and ready to receive my blessing " and this is just one of many.  Say this with me "All that is meant for me will come to me if I do the work"

I pray that you are protected along your journey. 

I pray that you are given a community of support, unconditional love, respect, understanding and space to be your true self

Remember to love someone is to love them completely, deeper than their flaws. 

Give someone love today, say hi to s stranger today, give a compliment and watch how in return it makes you feel. 

Give yourself a pat on the back, go stand in the mirror, dance to your favorite song and then post your video, hug yourself, sing loud in the car with the windows down., say this with me "I am unapologetically me and there is no one else in the world like me"

And I pray, 



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