I am ready.

Today I am washed anew with the help of Sunday.

If I start to go astray please let Monday help me find my place.

Ground my feet and widen my eyes, spread my mind open, pluck off all my lashes and sit me up straight.

Refocus my purpose and bend me back into shape.

Allow Monday to guide me along this blistering road.

There are tulips and daisies and little drooling French poodle dogs, the smell of cinnamon and fresh baked biscuits, fat slices of juicy watermelon and the people smile from ear to ear, horns and strings play together in perfect harmony but my feet blister.

I bypassed Tuesday, it's just a second Monday. 

The love I received on Wednesday sent my body into shock. 

I was twisted, I was bent over, I had my head between my knees, I allowed my deepest breath to leave my body. I chanted and chanted louder. At one point my fingers touched my toes and then I was told to let it all go but not before my hips were made wide, the sweat dripped from all over my body, the temperature in the room had risen to a 100° and I was told to close my eyes. Hands together at the heart, "Ommmm"

With Friday so close I greet Thursday with some pizzazz. I wake up singing and dancing about. If its a grand Thursday I might even let me boyfriend put it in my mouth, the delicious food that is, he enjoys mixing flavors and sending my taste buds into bliss. Always sealing it with a kiss but there's always this taste, I can never call but after I taste it my mind gets distorted. 

Sheep, sheep in sheep's skin, sheep prancing around so happily made to believe everything they are told made to believe the the foolery, inherently stupid, "bahhhhhhhh", sheep. Black sheep play victims and claim to be a little different but if you close your eyes and hear their "bahhhhhh" they're still a sheep. *winks*

My feet have began to swell, chasing away the energy thieves and piggy backing enemies, I tracked down my 3rd chakra and now have to realign it again, there were side eyes from unwelcomed visitors and scuffs from my family even my neighbor tried to test me. I sent my co worker the same email over and over again but claims it wasn't received. I tried to help a stranger but he wanted twenty instead of a dollar. I voiced my opinion and the sheep flocked like birds to dismantle any view that is different from theirs. I had barbeque that made me sick and since no one is wearing a mask any more that could've been it. It was the food , don't know why I ate it, I've seen her kitchen. 

Oh damn, Sunday!

Sunday, please wash me anew so that I am prepared to travel this long road. Please, oh please don't let last weeks troubles follow me into this week. Send me fresh flowers and water me heavily. Let your fluorescent rays shine across my face and energize me. Strap me with enough arsenals to last throughout the week. Let my brave face be worn everyday so the enemies flee.

Beware, oh sweet Monday, I am here to conquer thee.           


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